Teeth that are yellowish light grey or dark grey


Introduction There are many reasons for tooth coloring and yellowing, which can be roughly divided into two aspects, endogenous and exogenous. Exogenous coloration is due to the presence of various bacteria on the surface of the teeth. They secrete many sticky substances. The tea scale, smoke stains in the daily diet and certain minerals in drinking water are adsorbed on these sticky substances, gradually making the teeth Turn yellow or black. Tetracycline teeth are endogenously colored. The clinical manifestation is that the teeth are yellowish gray or dark gray. Generally, the anterior teeth are more colored than the posterior teeth than the permanent teeth. In severe cases, there is enamel dysplasia.



The cause of yellowish light gray or dark gray teeth

Since the enamel and dentin are simultaneously formed on the opposite side of a basement membrane, the same dose can form a yellow layer in both tissues; however, the deposition in dentin is four times higher than in the enamel, and in the enamel. Only diffuse non-banded pigments. This is because dentin apatite crystals are small and the total surface area is larger than that of enamel apatite crystals, so that the amount of tetracycline absorbed by dentin is much higher than that of enamel. Since the yellow layer is wavy, like a cap, which is roughly similar to the shape of the tooth, the coloration caused by one dose can be seen on most of the surface of one tooth; while the dose repeated for a long time does not appear horizontally colored. While the teeth are colored, there is also the coloration of the bone tissue, but the latter can gradually remove the coloration with the physiological metabolic activity of the bone tissue; however, the coloration of the teeth is permanent. In addition, tetracycline can also cause deciduous coloration in the mother through the placenta.


an examination

Related inspection

Dental pulp electrical activity measurement pulp temperature test (cold heat diagnosis) oral endoscopy oral X-ray examination

The teeth are yellowish gray or dark gray

1. It is yellow, showing bright yellow fluorescence under sunlight, and then gradually changes from yellow to brown or dark gray. This transformation is slow and can be promoted by the sun, so the lip of the incisor is first discolored.

2. The anterior teeth are more colored than the posterior teeth; the deciduous teeth are more colored than the permanent teeth, because the enamel of the deciduous teeth is thinner and more transparent, and it is not easy to cover the color of the tetracycline conjugate in the dentin.

3. The degree of tooth coloration is related to the type, dose and number of doses of tetracycline. It is generally believed that the coloration caused by tetracycline, normycin, tetracycline hydrochloride is more pronounced than oxytetracycline and chlortetracycline. In permanent teeth, the number of treatments for tetracycline is directly proportional to the degree of coloration, but a short-term high-dose dose is more effective than a long-term uniform dose.

4. Tetracycline causes tooth coloration and enamel hypoplasia, which can only be manifested when administered during tooth development. In general, administration after 6 to 7 years of age does not cause distracting tooth discoloration.


Differential diagnosis

Symptoms of yellowish light gray or dark gray teeth

The teeth are brownish black: the color of the teeth changes abnormally and appears brownish black. Coloration in the teeth is the discoloration of the teeth caused by the tissue structure or nutrient change of the teeth. Common necrosis of the pulp, enamel enamel and drug deposition cause tooth discoloration. Coloring outside the teeth means that the surface of the teeth is pigmented.

Yellow teeth: yellow teeth due to various reasons

Abnormal color of teeth: Because the surface of the tooth is covered with a layer of enamel, it is transparent or translucent, and its deep part is dentin, which is pale yellow. The color of the teeth is related to the degree of calcification of the enamel. The higher the degree of calcification, the more transparent the enamel is, and the true color of the deep dentin through it makes the teeth pale yellow, and the color of the teeth is abnormal in various dental diseases.

The material in this site is intended to be of general informational use and is not intended to constitute medical advice, probable diagnosis, or recommended treatments.

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