Tooth pain


Introduction The cause of cold and hot teeth is mainly due to the problem of stimulating the pulp. There are nerves in the pulp. Usually there is no heat or irritation under the protection of the dentin and enamel of the teeth. When the enamel is damaged or the gums are atrophied. After exposure to the posterior root, the unprotected teeth will be painful due to various hot and cold stimuli. The most common cause is a hole in the tooth or a pulp reaction caused by a cavity. Of course, older people with more worn teeth can also cause allergic reactions to cold and heat in the teeth.



The cause of cold and hot teeth

The most common cause is a hole in the tooth or a pulp reaction caused by a cavity. Of course, older people with more worn teeth can also cause allergic reactions to cold and heat in the teeth.

The integrity of the enamel is destroyed, and various dental diseases exposed to the dentin, such as abrasion, wedge-shaped defects, tooth fractures, rickets, and periodontal atrophy, cause neck and neck exposure.


an examination

Related inspection

Endodontic temperature test (cold fever) oral endoscope

Teeth with cold and hot pain check

When it is moderately sputum, there may be holes or defects. When it is cold, hot, sour, sweet, etc., it may cause acid or pain, but the symptoms will disappear immediately after the stimulation.

The roots of the teeth are exposed, and the atrophy of the gums often makes the exposed teeth extremely sensitive to temperature changes and acidic foods, and often causes irritation.

Dental hypersensitivity is mainly caused by irritation. When it is brushed, hard, acid, sweet, cold, hot, etc., it causes soreness, especially for mechanical stimulation.


Differential diagnosis

Symptoms of teeth that are confusing when they are hot and cold

Pain in the teeth: Pericoronitis is a complication caused by the inconsistent position of the molars, mainly due to the pain of soft tissue around the crown. The third molar of the mandible (commonly known as wisdom tooth) is more common in clinical practice. Secondly, the maxillary third molar can also occur. The disease mostly occurs between the ages of 18 and 30.

The tooth has a sense of elongation and tenderness: the tooth has a feeling of elongation, and the tenderness and tenderness are obviously the clinical manifestations of the periapical periodontitis. Periapical diseases include acute and chronic apical periodontitis. Periapical disease refers to periodontal tissue confined to the apex of the apex, including inflammation of the cementum, periodontal ligament and alveolar bone.

Gum pain: Gingivitis is caused by bacterial invasion, which is characterized by bleeding gums, redness, pain, and continued development of invasion of hard tissues, resulting in periodontal inflammation.

Denture pain: Dentures should be adjusted once every 3 to 4 years. Oral pain for more than ten days. When you bite the chin, it will hurt, it will be difficult to open your mouth, and the mouth will be closed.

Upper toothache: Patients with odontogenic maxillary sinusitis often have toothache due to maxillary sinusitis. Odontogenic maxillary sinusitis is a chronic maxillary sinusitis caused by diseased teeth. It is called odontogenic maxillary sinusitis. The cause is relatively simple. Not all teeth can cause this disease, but limited to those with close relationship with maxillary sinus. The teeth are the first premolar second premolar and the first molar in the upper dentition, that is, the fourth, fifth and sixth teeth from the incisors. Usually, the first inflammation of the teeth, such as acute periarthritis, periodontitis, alveolar abscess, etc., infects the bottom of the maxillary sinus, further expanding into maxillary sinusitis.

Toothache: It is a common disease. Its performance is: red and swollen gums, hot and cold pain, swelling of the cheeks. Toothache is mostly caused by gingivitis and periodontitis, dental caries (fangs) or fractured teeth leading to infection of the pulp (dental nerve). Chinese medicine believes that toothache is caused by exogenous wind and evil, stomach fire, stagnation of kidneys, and insects. Gingivitis is a common periodontal disease. It is caused by the lack of attention to oral hygiene, the long-term stimulation caused by soft tartar and hard tartar formed by food residue, bacteria and other things around the teeth, as well as improper brushing habits and vitamin deficiency.

The material in this site is intended to be of general informational use and is not intended to constitute medical advice, probable diagnosis, or recommended treatments.

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