Pregnant women with chest tightness and shortness of breath


Introduction After pregnancy, there may be chest tightness and shortness of breath, feeling uncomfortable and uncomfortable. It is a normal phenomenon to rule out the heart problem. After 28 weeks of pregnancy, as the weight of pregnant women increases, the actions of pregnant women become more and more inconvenient. Because the heart and lungs of pregnant women are subject to a double burden during pregnancy, it is absolutely necessary to avoid excessive fatigue and strenuous exercise. Causes, often due to the increase in the size of the uterus, press the abdominal diaphragm muscles upwards, thus reducing the volume of the thorax, resulting in short-term breathing and suffocation.



Firstly, the increase of abdominal pressure causes the increase of abdominal pressure to affect the respiratory movement of the thoracic respiratory muscles; then the compression of the inferior vena cava and arteries reduces the amount of blood return to the heart, and the fetal metabolic waste is discharged into the mother's blood, causing a slight imbalance in the mother's blood electrolytes, mainly Mild acidosis is more common.

Other causes of chest tightness and shortness of breath:

Functional chest tightness: refers to staying in a room with closed doors and windows, airless circulation, or encountering some unpleasant things, even with other people's squabbles, disputes, or in a low-pressure climate, often Chest tightness, feeling of fatigue.

Cardiac neurosis: It is a kind of systemic neurosis. Its symptoms are various. The most common symptoms are palpitations, poor breathing, pain in the anterior region and general malaise, as well as excitement and insomnia. , sweating, trembling, dizziness, and more dreams.


an examination

Related inspection

Urine routine blood routine

Chest tightness and shortness of breath during pregnancy, feeling uncomfortable and uncomfortable. As the fetus grows, it tends to recover and can be recovered after production. Checking pre-pregnancy check b-ultrasound on time (B-mode ultrasound is an emerging discipline, which has developed rapidly in recent years. It has become an indispensable diagnostic method in modern clinical medicine. b-ultrasound can clearly show the various organs and surrounding organs. A cross-sectional image, because the image is rich in physical sense, close to the actual structure of the anatomy, so the application of ultrasound can be an early diagnosis.)


Differential diagnosis

Chest tightness is a subjective feeling, that is, breathing is not enough or gas is not enough. The heavy one feels that it seems to be pressed against the chest by stones, and even breathing difficulties occur. It may be a functional manifestation of a body organ or it may be one of the earliest symptoms of a disease in the human body.

Chest tightness and suffocation can also be seen in the following diseases:

1, heart disease: some congenital heart disease, rheumatic valvular heart disease, coronary heart disease, cardiac tumor.

2, respiratory tract obstruction: long-term tumor in the tracheobronchial, tracheal stenosis, tracheal subject to external pressure.

3, lung disease: emphysema, bronchitis, asthma, atelectasis, pulmonary infarction, pneumothorax.

The material in this site is intended to be of general informational use and is not intended to constitute medical advice, probable diagnosis, or recommended treatments.

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