Blood in the urine after exercise


Introduction After strenuous activities such as running or playing, he found hematuria, but the body has no obvious discomfort, and there are no other combined symptoms. This is hematuria after exercise, which causes kidney damage after strenuous exercise. After the exercise, "hemoglobinuria" sometimes appears. At this time, the urine color is soy sauce color, and there is no red blood cell or only a small amount of red blood cells when examined by urine microscopy. After exercise, hemoglobinuria is also called "exercise hemoglobinuria", which was named after the appearance of the soldiers. This disease contains free hemoglobin in the urine due to intravascular hemolysis during exercise. Most people have a good prognosis and can heal themselves. Generally, there is no adverse effect on health.



Movement of hematuria caused by rupture of glomerular cells due to excessive shock, red blood cells through the glomerular cyst, and the renal tubules are no longer absorbed. During exercise, the blood vessels of the whole body muscles and joints dilate and blood flow increases dramatically. In order to meet this need, the blood flow of the glomerulus is reduced, and the oxygen may be temporarily insufficiently supplied, so that the cell function on the capillary wall cannot be fully exerted, the cell arrangement changes, and the cell gap increases. It is possible that hematuria may occur when red blood cells that flow only in the blood vessels are filtered into the cystic cavity through the enlarged cell gap.


an examination

Related inspection

Urine routine vasopressin test retrograde pyelography

Sometimes healthy people appear hematuria after exercise, which is a manifestation of excessive exercise. This hematuria is a non-pathological hematuria. If hematuria occurs, don't worry too much and panic. Just stop exercising and rest for a few days. After a week, the symptoms will gradually disappear and return to normal. If you take some vitamin K or C, it will be better.

1. Hematuria appears immediately after exercise, and the severity of hematuria is related to the amount of exercise, especially the intensity of exercise.

2. In addition to hematuria, there are generally no other symptoms and abnormal signs.

3. Blood tests, renal function tests, abdominal radiographs, pyelography, kidney maps, etc. are all within the normal range.

4. If the movement occurs after hematuria, most people's hematuria disappears within three days.


Differential diagnosis

Differential diagnosis of hematuria after exercise :

1, abdominal pain with hematuria: abdominal pain with hematuria is one of the clinical manifestations of kidney and ureteral stones.

2, hematuria with poor urination: hematuria with poor urination, labor and urination drip, in older men are mostly prostate hypertrophy, in middle-aged men should consider urethral stricture, urethral stones or bladder tumors.

3, painless hematuria: in countless causes of hematuria, we must be alert to a painless hematuria, this intermittent, painless hematuria, often a clinical manifestation of urinary system tumors, if the hematuria suddenly aggravated It is often the late stage of the tumor.

4, hematuria with proteinuria: renal hematuria refers to hematuria derived from glomeruli, clinical manifestations of simple hematuria, or hematuria with proteinuria. If the treatment is not thorough, repeated attacks or treatment failure, the condition can not be effectively controlled, and eventually lead to uremia.

5, intermittent hematuria: hematuria refers to red blood cells 3 / HP in the urine, centrifuged urinary red blood cells > 5 / HP, or 12 hours urine Addis count > 500,000, is a common urinary system symptoms in children. The causes are urinary tract inflammation, tuberculosis, stones or tumors, trauma, drugs, etc., which have a great impact on the body. In recent years, there is no obvious accompanying symptom of hematuria, and most of them are glomerular hematuria, which has been widely regarded and studied. Intermittent hematuria is a symptom that occurs when hematuria occurs.

The material in this site is intended to be of general informational use and is not intended to constitute medical advice, probable diagnosis, or recommended treatments.

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