Poor uterine contractions


Introduction When there is a blood clot in the uterus or a placenta remains, the uterus will be first filled with blood clots, and then the uterine smooth muscle will stop contracting. This is called uterine contraction. The woman puts her hand around the navel and touches the position of the uterus. If she does not feel a round lumps in the abdomen, she needs to do a ring massage of the uterus to accelerate the contraction of the uterus. At the same time as the uterus contracts, the lochia is also excreted. Because the uterus becomes hard, the contraction is good. Therefore, the naturally-born maternal should be massaged at any time within 24 hours after delivery, and the uterus must be hardened to stop.



(1) Mental factors: Maternal women have concerns about childbirth, excessive nervousness, excessive physical exertion, and excessive fatigue.

(B) physical and endocrine factors: too obese or short trunk, late pregnancy hormone, oxytocin and prostaglandin secretion is insufficient or inconsistent with each other.

(C) birth canal and fetal factors: abnormal pelvis, fetal abnormalities, fetal position is not correct caused by the head basin.

(D) uterine factors: uterine dysplasia or deformity, excessive uterus expansion such as excessive amniotic fluid, giant children, multiple births, uterine fibroids, fallopian tubes.

(5) Drug factors: excessive sedative after labor, which inhibits contractions.


an examination

Related inspection

Anal abdominal diagnosis vaginal palpation

First, abdominal examination: When the uterus contracts, the finger pressure still feels weak and the muscles are soft.

Second, anal examination or vaginal examination: within a certain time limit, the cervix does not expand or the first exposure does not fall. The contractions are too strong: regular gynecological examinations are performed. A vaginal examination can reach the narrow ring of a hard, meta-elastic.

Third, common fetal position ectopic or head basin disproportionate; followed by uterine dysplasia and mental factors.

Fourth, endocrine examination: the secretion of estrogen, progesterone, oxytocin and other abnormalities.


Differential diagnosis

Bad uterine contractions need to be identified as follows.

1, uterine contraction fatigue, uterine contraction fatigue is divided into primary and secondary: in the beginning of labor, the uterine contraction strength is not enough primary; and in the stage of labor progress to a certain stage of uterine contraction It is secondary. Clinical manifestations: Under normal circumstances after labor, uterine contractions are generally 2 to 5 minutes apart, duration of 40 to 50 seconds, the uterus is hard. The interval of contraction fatigue is extended to 6 to 7 minutes or longer, the duration is shortened, no more than 30 seconds, and the contraction force is weakened, and the hardness of the touch palace is insufficient.

2, uterine contraction is too strong can be divided into two types of coordination and non-coordination. Coordination: If the head basin is not called, it can accelerate the progress of the labor process within 3 hours, resulting in emergency production. Soft birth canal damage, postpartum hemorrhage, neonatal asphyxia, etc. Inconsistent: due to excessive maternal stress or excessive vaginal examination, excessive manipulation, or improper application of uterine contractions, resulting in local contraction of the uterine muscle (also general tonic contraction) at the junction of the upper and lower uterus or surrounding the fetus A narrow ring appears in a narrowed area (such as the neck). This ring does not rise when the contraction occurs, the cervix does not open, the fetal head does not fall and obstruction occurs.

The material in this site is intended to be of general informational use and is not intended to constitute medical advice, probable diagnosis, or recommended treatments.

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