genital itching


Introduction Vulvar itching is a symptom caused by various vulvar lesions, but it can also occur in patients with completely normal vulva. It is more common in middle-aged women. When the itching is aggravated, the patient is more restless, which affects life and work. Fungal vaginitis and trichomonas vaginitis are the most common causes of genital itching. Sputum, acne can also cause itching. The pupa caused by tsutsugamushi disease is usually only at night around the anus.



Special infections and poor hygiene practices:

Fungal vaginitis and trichomonas vaginitis are the most common causes of genital itching. Sputum, acne can also cause itching. The pupa caused by tsutsugamushi disease is usually only at night around the anus. Do not pay attention to local cleansing of the vulva, sebum, sweat, menstruation, vaginal secretions, even urine, fecal impregnation, long-term stimulation of the vulva can cause itching: menstrual period with rubber or plastic menstrual belt, usually wearing non-breathable chemical fiber underwear can be stagnation due to damp heat And induced sputum.

Systemic causes:

(1) Diabetes due to the stimulation of glucosuria to the skin of the vulva, especially accompanied by fungal vulvitis, the genital itching is particularly serious. Many patients are treated first because of pruritus and redness in the genital area. After further examination, the diagnosis is diagnosed as diabetes. of. (B) Astragalus, vitamin A, B deficiency, anemia, leukemia and other chronic disease patients with genital itching, often part of the body itching. (C) genital and premenstrual genital congestion can cause genital itching discomfort. (D) Unexplained genital itching Some patients with genital itching are very serious, but no obvious systemic or local causes can be found. Some people think that it may be related to mental or psychological factors.


1. Chronic vulvar malnutrition The main symptoms of itching, accompanied by gray skin of the vulva.

2. Drug allergies or chemical crystals to stimulate soap, condoms, clean and new, red mercury, etc. may cause contact dermatitis due to direct stimulation or allergies, itching symptoms.

3. Other skin lesions, bruises, common warts, herpes, eczema, and tumors can cause genital itching.


an examination

Related inspection

Gynecological inflammation test vaginal gynecological routine examination of vaginal trichomoniasis examination of cervical mucus

The diagnosis should be detailed in the onset of the disease, careful local and systemic examination, if necessary, vaginal secretion culture, drug sensitivity test or local pathological examination. Vulvar itching is mostly located in the clitoris, labia minora, can also affect the labia majora, perineal and even perianal skin lesions. Often paroxysmal attacks, can also be persistent, generally nighttime exacerbation, no cause of genital itching generally only occurs In the childbearing age or postmenopausal women, the whole genital area, but may also be limited to a certain part or unilateral vulva, although the itching is very serious, even unbearable, but the appearance of local skin and mucous membranes is normal, or only because of scratching Excessive scratches.


Differential diagnosis

The itching of the anus, labia and scrotum is collectively called genital itching, which causes many pathogens of genital itching, such as mites, trichomoniasis, mites, fungi and bacteria. If the cause is clear, the disease is not difficult to cure, but now it is more More genital itching is not related to these microorganisms, but chronic dermatitis or eczema formed by long-term stimulation due to physical and chemical factors. It should be differentiated from trichomonas, fungal vaginitis and white lesions of the vulva.

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