Greater omentum intracranial transplantation

Goldsmith first covered the ischemic brain surface with a pedicled omentum in 1973 to establish collateral circulation. In 1974, Yasargil freely transplanted the greater omentum on the superficial temporal artery, and then covered the surface of the brain to improve cerebral circulation. At present, the greater omentum intracranial transplantation is basically divided into two types: pedicle transplantation and free transplantation. According to data from Alday et al. And Ningxia Medical College, the distribution of the greater omental artery can be divided into 5 types: the middle omental artery bifurcation is located in the lower 1/3 as type Ⅰ, the middle omental artery is in type Ⅱ, and is located in upper 1 / 3 is type III, the absence is type IV, and it does not participate in the formation of gastric omentum arches as type V [Figure 1⑴ ~ ⑴]

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