Abdominal wall incision hernia repair

The occurrence of abdominal wall incision hernias is often affected by the following factors: infection of the incision, tension of the incision, location of the incision, type of suture, and suture technique. Most of these factors can be avoided and corrected to prevent incisional hernias. After incisional hernia, if there is no special contraindication, early surgical repair should be performed in principle. The longer the time, the larger the hernia sac and the weaker the muscles around the abdominal wall, the less chance of successful surgery. On the other hand, incisional hernias are mostly the sequelae of incisional infections. After the incision is healed, there is still congestion and edema in the scars, and even hidden infections exist. It is not easy to perform premature repair surgery. Therefore, it is generally appropriate to repair the incision six months after healing. If the patient has severe cardiovascular system and other diseases that are not suitable for surgery, hernia bands can be used for treatment.

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