Hypocranial pressure syndrome

Low intracranial pressure syndrome is a clinical syndrome characterized by orthostatic headache, with cerebrospinal fluid pressure of the lateral subarachnoid lumbar subarachnoid space caused by various reasons below 0.59 kPa (60mmH2O). Low intracranial pressure syndrome is generally caused by a decrease in brain volume, a decrease in cerebrospinal fluid, or a decrease in blood volume in the brain, resulting in a decrease in total intracranial volume, which causes a decrease in intracranial pressure and causes a series of clinical manifestations. Its unique clinical manifestations have recently attracted people's attention, but many problems have not yet been elucidated. This syndrome is not uncommon clinically, and it is often misdiagnosed without recognition. Clinically, it is often divided into symptomatic hypocranial pressure and primary hypocranial pressure.

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