
Caroteneemia is a kind of yellow staining of the skin caused by excessive carotene content in the blood. Carotene is a lipopigment that makes normal skin appear yellow. If you eat too much carotene-rich carrots, oranges, pumpkins, red palm oil, etc., the carotene content in the blood can be significantly increased. Hyperlipidemia, hypothyroidism, diabetes, or other congenital defects or liver diseases that convert carotene to vitamin A can also make the only signs of caroteneemia in the blood are yellow or orange-yellow skin, unconscious Symptoms, but the sclera is not yellow. The disease is more common in the palms and plantars. Sometimes the face, the periphery of the mouth, and the eyelids can also appear. In severe cases, the skin of the whole body is orange-yellow.

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