Dry and brittle hair

Normal and healthy hair shafts contain a small amount of water to moisturize the hair and keep it dry. The moisture in it rarely escapes from the fur, which is due to the densely arranged fur skins covering the fur, which acts as a waterproof layer. However, when subjected to factors such as chemical perm, hot air blowing, friction, etc., it can cause the hair small skin to lift up, fall off, or even completely erode, and the protection of the hair small skin is lost. In this way, the hair moisture is easy to lose when it is dry; when washing hair, it is easy to let the water or hair dye enter the fur texture and make the hair swell when dyeing. Repeated swelling and dryness eventually lead to dry, thinning hair, fragile hair, easy to break, and hair loss. Static electricity When hair is dry, static electricity is generated during combing and rubbing. The electrostatic action can push the hair shafts to each other to make the hair fluffy, and it is not easy to comb and form. It can be removed with shampoo and conditioner that can eliminate static electricity.

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