Streptococcus intermediate

Streptococcus intermedius is a group of Streptococcus (Str. Intermediusgroup), including 3 strains, namely Str.intermedius (Str.intermedius), Str. . 93% non-beta; Streptococcus intermedius;-hemolytic, 38% Streptococcus constellation and 12% Streptococcus phagococcus were beta;-hemolytic. This group of bacteria mainly exists in human oral cavity, can be isolated from gingival gaps, plaques, root canals, and also exists in the throat and nasopharynx, and still colonizes the gastrointestinal tract. This group of bacteria can cause gum abscesses, which can lead to sepsis and endocarditis. It is worth noting that this group of streptococci can still cause brain abscess, and often coexist with anaerobic bacteria. Peritonitis, liver abscess, and pelvic abscess can also be found. Inhalation of bacteria from the streptococcus group of the oropharynx can cause aspiration pneumonia and can be accompanied by pulmonary abscesses and empyema. Mediastinitis has also been reported. Other can still cause osteomyelitis, septic arthritis, sinusitis, subcutaneous abscess, cellulitis and so on.

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