Cerebral lobe hemorrhage

Cerebral hemorrhage refers to bleeding caused by rupture of blood vessels in the brain parenchyma. Hypertension and arteriosclerosis are the main factors of cerebral hemorrhage. They can also be caused by congenital cerebral aneurysms, cerebral vascular malformations, brain tumors, hematological diseases, infections, drugs, trauma and poisoning. Demonstration of disturbance of consciousness. Headache is the focus of the focus; vomiting is common, mostly jetting, vomiting is stomach content, mostly brown, and hiccups are also quite common. De-brainy rigidity and convulsions. Patients generally breathe faster, and those who are seriously ill have deep and slow breathing. When the condition worsens, they become fast and irregular, or take a tidal breath, sigh-like breath, double inhalation, and so on. Unstable blood pressure. High fever after bleeding. Meningeal irritation.

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