Abnormal urine routine

Routine urine tests are an indispensable preliminary test in clinical practice, because routine urine tests are a general diagnostic method for doctors to detect kidney disease. The discovery of urinary routine abnormalities is mostly the first indication of kidney or urinary tract disease, and is often an important clue to the nature of the pathological process. Routine urine tests mainly include analysis of white blood cells, red blood cells, urine protein, urine sugar, urine specific gravity, and pH. When you get a urine routine report, look at "+" and "-". If it is all "-", it means everything is normal, and "+" means there is a problem. The amount of + in the test report has a certain relationship with the amount of protein in the urine. If you want to make a clear diagnosis, you need to check the 24-hour urine protein quantification to diagnose which kind of kidney disease it belongs to. You can also judge the severity of the disease.

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