Radial head dysplasia

Radial head dysplasia due to disease. Radial head hypoplasia in children under the age of 4 years, the circular ligament is loose, and it is prone to subluxation. Radial dysplasia is common in chromosomal malformations and some syndromes, such as trisomy 18, trisomy 13, thrombocytopenia, and urinary system abnormalities. Ultrasound is mainly manifested by the extremely short radius, with curvature, and the thumb is almost Touched the inside of the forearm, or it was not displayed. Radial dysplasia: Nail-patella syndrome clinical manifestations: Individually accompanied by radial head dysplasia and radial ulnar joint abnormalities. Radial head hypoplasia in children under the age of 4 years, the circular ligament is loose, and it is prone to subluxation. After dislocation, pain, swelling, deformity, dysfunction and abnormal joint relationship were found. X-ray films can confirm the diagnosis and determine whether there is a combined fracture and whether there are other pathological changes. The main treatment is manual reduction. If the reset is unsuccessful, open the reset. Brake for 3 weeks after resetting, and start active movements, supplemented by gentle passive movements, to restore joint activity and muscle strength. Do not force passive massage.

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