Increased subcutaneous fat

Obesity means that the human body has too many fat components due to various reasons, which is significantly greater than the normal average amount of normal people. It is called obesity. The fat stored under the skin accounts for about 50% of the total fat. Obesity can occur at any age, more common in middle-aged people, and more women than men. Obese people gain weight due to increased adipose tissue, but muscle tissue does not increase or reverse atrophy, and athletes with particularly well-developed muscles or edema weight gain are not included. When the amount of calories consumed exceeds the amount consumed by the human body, excess calories are stored in the body in the form of fat, and those who weigh more than 20% of the standard weight are obese, and those who exceed 10% are overweight; also according to height and weight, according to the body mass quality index [weight team ( ㎏) / Height (㎡)], more than 24 are obese. The World Health Organization (WH 0) standard is: males> 27 and females> 25 are obese.

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