Impaired renal interstitial

Renal stroma is lost due to various physiological diseases. One of the symptoms and signs of hypokalemia nephropathy when renal interstitial is damaged. Hypokalemia nephropathy (hypokalemicnephropathy) is a chronic interstitial nephritis or kidney disease caused by persistent hypokalemia, also known as kalium-losingnephropathy. The manifestations of hypokalemia nephropathy are mainly tubule dysfunction, mainly with reduced concentration, manifested as thirst, polydipsia and polyuria, nocturia, and even renal diabetes insipidus. Poor response to vasopressin Urine is accompanied by a small amount of proteinuria and cast. Early potassium loss can cause metabolic alkalosis. After renal interstitial damage, metabolic acidosis occurs due to renal tubular acidification dysfunction. The disease is prone to pyelonephritis and clinical manifestations of urinary tract infections. Chronic renal insufficiency gradually develops as the course of the disease progresses. In addition to the symptoms of nephropathy, the patient's systemic manifestations mainly include symptoms of hypokalemia, such as muscle weakness in the limbs, intestinal paralysis, weakened tendon reflexes, and arrhythmia. Impaired renal interstitial disease, diabetes insipidus, and impaired renal concentrating function in the later stages of chronic nephritis can cause polyuria, that is, the urine output exceeds 2500ml.

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