Light yellow hair

Lack of certain trace elements. For example, iron deficiency anemia can lead to hair malnutrition; copper deficiency can reduce the function of tyrosinase and affect the metabolism of melanin; zinc deficiency can affect the development and growth of cells, and the hair will naturally turn yellow. From the physiological characteristics of hair, there is a hair gallery at the root of each hair, and there are hair mother keratinocytes and hair mother pigment cells around it. Once these cell functions are disturbed or damaged, black hair will turn yellow. . Frequent shampooing or shampooing with alkaline soaps, especially using excessive shampoos, can remove sebum, which protects the hair. At the same time, alkaline shampoos have a strong stimulus to the scalp epithelial cells, causing them to become excessive, resulting in yellowing of the hair. Some people think that it is related to eating too much food or fat. This is because these substances easily produce lactic acid or carbonic acid in the body. When there is too much acid, the hair becomes yellow. Caused by a certain disease. If you have systemic scleroderma or systemic lupus erythematosus, your hair will not only turn yellow, but it will also fall off a lot.

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