
Male long beards are the result of androgen action. Long beards are a manifestation of male secondary sexual characteristics. The emergence of secondary sexual characteristics is stimulated by the secretion of androgens in the testes after males enter adolescence. Androgen is scarce in boys before the age of 11, and there is not much difference in physical signs between men and women. Boys do not have a strict time limit for puberty, usually 10 to 14 years old. The number and shape of the beards is related to the nationality and also to the family inheritance. Unbearded armpit and pubic hair are seen in Klinefelter syndrome. Also known as congenital testicular dysplasia or Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease syndrome. The typical karyotype is 47, XXY. Phenotypic features are testicular hypoplasia. The slender body is caused by the increase in the distance from the heel to the phalanges. Male breast development and pubic hair are feminine, with small penis and testis. Severe cases are accompanied by mental retardation, cryptorchidism, and hypospadias.

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