Molar at night

Children or adolescents involuntarily rattle their upper and lower jaw teeth during sleep, which is called molars. Occasionally, there are also normal people, which may be caused by abnormal movement of the masticatory muscles, and are not pathological. However, if molars often appear, it is an abnormal performance, which may be related to worm product, neuroticism, and indigestion. Because long-term grinding can damage the enamel and even dentin, which can cause toothache when eating, it should be paid attention to. Bruxism refers to bruxism, which is a habit of grinding teeth while sleeping or unconsciously grinding teeth while awake. This disease is common in the clinic, and the treatment effect is not obvious. It often brings mental burden to the patient. Over time, it can cause patients to chew weakness and fatigue of the temporomandibular joint. Severe nocturnal molars can affect the rest of others and even have adverse consequences.

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