Infants and toddlers often flip during sleep, shaking their heads repeatedly

The clinical manifestations of infants and young children caused by diseases such as sleep disorders, often turning during sleep, and repeatedly shaking their heads. Sleep disorders are not just a "patent" for adults, they can also happen to children aged 2-12. Of course, children's sleep disorders are not the same as adults' sleep disorders, not mainly due to difficulty in falling asleep and waking up early, but mainly due to short effective sleep time and reduced sleep quality. Adequate sleep and good sleep habits have a significant impact on children's physical and mental health. Physiological needs sleep time is closely related to age factors, but the length and depth of sleep time may vary from individual to individual. Infants and children can have various forms of sleep disorders, such as difficulty falling asleep, disturbed sleep, nightmares, night terrors, and dreamwalking. Clinical manifestations of sleep disorders-disturbed sleep and difficulty falling asleep: more common in infants and young children, often turning, limbs beating, repeatedly shaking their heads, crying for no reason, bruising, talking in sleep, etc. Some are unwilling to go to bed, hold and walk around, or are unable to fall asleep, light sleep or wake up early.

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