Lumbar hernia

Between the 12 ribs and the iliac crest, the abdominal viscera protrudes through the abdominal wall or posterior peritoneum and is called a lumbar hernia (1umbar hernia), also known as a dorsal hernia. Barbotte first reported the disease in 1672, Budget (1728) first reported congenital lumbar hernia, and Garangeot (1731) found the first case of lumbar hernia incarcerated at autopsy, and the first case of lumbar hernia repair was performed by Ravanton (1750). ) The doctor did it. In 1783, Petit described the anatomical boundaries of the lower lumbar triangle in detail and reported a patient with incarcerated lumbar hernia. Therefore, the lower lumbar triangle was named Petit triangle. Before 1866, surgeons believed that all lumbar hernias originated from the lower lumbar triangle hernia. It was only after Grynfeltt proposed the existence of the upper lumbar triangle (Grynfeltt triangle) that clinicians gradually gained a comprehensive understanding of lumbar hernia. Lumbar hernia sacs are located between the muscles in the lumbar region and can occur in the upper or lower lumbar triangle, which is clinically rare.

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