Obstructive nephropathy

Obstructive nephropathy refers to renal disorders caused by impaired urinary urinary flow, which causes backward pressure and affects the normal physiology of the renal parenchyma. The degree of obstruction is complete and partial; the range is bilateral and unilateral; there are acute sudden and slow gradual occurrence of time; the upper and lower urinary tracts are located at the site; the upper urinary tract is above the uretero-bladder junction (Ureter, renal pelvis, ureter-pelvic junction); the lower urinary tract is below the ureter-bladder junction (urethra, bladder neck, bladder-ureter junction). The impact on the kidney is related to the degree and time of obstruction. Early removal of the obstruction can make the lesion disappear, and in the later stage, renal function is permanently lost and cannot be reversed.

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