Intramedullary tumor

Spinal intramedullary tumors are not uncommon in spinal tumors. Intramedullary tumors are basically divided into two categories: one is the primary intramedullary tumor; the other is the secondary intramedullary tumor. The latter are fewer, often intracranial tumors that disseminate into the spinal canal, such as medulloblastoma, germ cell tumor, and less astrocytoma, glioblastoma multiforme, or fourth ventricle Tumors and so on. Glioma from the spinal cord that disseminates into the skull is extremely rare. Although the spinal cord and the brain have the same cellular composition, gliomas in the spinal cord are much smaller than gliomas in the spinal cord. Tumors that originate in the spinal cord and spinal cord can grow in any spinal cord segment, mainly cervical and thorax. Intramedullary ependymal tumors are most common in the cervical segment, and the astrocytoma cervical segment is approximately the same as the thoracic segment.

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