
Gonorrhea refers to frequent urination, endless leaching, astringent urethra, pain in the lower abdomen, pain in the waist and abdomen. It is a symptom of various gonorrhea. In addition, various gonorrhea has its own special features. The description is as follows: 1. Onset of hot gonorrhea is often rapid or accompanied by fever, urinary redness, and burning pains. 2. Shilin mainly urinates and discharges gravel, or suddenly interrupts urination, urinary distress or pain, or uncomfortable waist cramps. 3. Qi leaching of the lower abdomen is more obvious, urination is difficult and painful, and there is endless drain after urination. 4. Pain caused by blood drowning. 5. Paste drenching card and see urine turbid as rice water or slippery as cream. 6. Lao Lin Jiu Lin, urinating leaching endlessly, when the labor comes out.

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