Legionnaires disease

Legionnaires' disease is a pneumonia-based infection caused by Legionellosis, also known as legionella disease. Pathogens mainly come from contaminated water sources and invade from the respiratory tract. In addition, pathogenic bacteria may still cause another clinical type mainly with fever, headache, and myalgia. The disease is milder and is called Pontiac fever. In 1976, the Pennsylvania Legion of Veterans met in a hotel in Philadelphia. A total of 221 representatives of about 4,400 representatives and their families had pneumonia, 34 of whom died. Legionnaires' Disease was named for it. After 6 months, the same pathogen that had not been classified in the past was identified and named Legionella pneumophila. Subsequent retrospective studies found that Legionnaires' Disease had been prevalent in 1957, and the pathogenic bacteria were isolated in 1943.

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