Intestinal fistula

Intestinal fistula is when there is an abnormal passage between the intestine and other cavity organs or the body surface. What happens in the small intestine is small intestinal fistula. Small intestine fistula can be divided into duodenal fistula, jejunal fistula and ileal fistula according to the small intestine. When the intestinal fistula communicates with other cavity organs such as the biliary tract, urinary tract, reproductive tract or other intestinal segments, it is called an internal fistula; otherwise, if it communicates with the body surface, the external fistula. Intestinal fistulas within 100 cm of the duodenum and flexor ligament are high fistulas, while distal ileal fistulas are low fistulas. According to the amount of small intestinal fistula discharge, it can be divided into high flow fistula and low flow fistula.

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