Sexual headaches

Sexual headaches belong to the category of "sexual depression syndrome" in Chinese medicine. Modern medical research suggests that headaches related to sexual intercourse are of both psychological and pathological nature. Generally speaking, the personality of a person with a psychological headache is more self-centered, such as irritability, acting in accordance with his own way and desire, always wanting to express himself to attract the attention of others. As a result, headaches can occur when they experience sexual frustration and worry about dissatisfaction with their partner. Most of these headaches occur at night. Pathological headache is related to human disease or blood pressure, and there are points during and after sexual intercourse. Headaches during sexual intercourse often start during orgasm, and sexual life is not abnormal, mainly caused by a sharp rise in blood pressure during orgasm, which is a hypertensive headache; more than half of those with headaches after sexual intercourse have unsatisfactory sexual life.

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