Verrucous keratosis

Acrokeratosis verruciformis is rare and first described by Hopf in 1930. Onset at birth or childhood, a few occur in adolescence. Women are about twice as likely as men. It is autosomal dominant. Often accompanied by follicular keratosis, or patients with follicular keratosis in the family. It is considered that the two may be caused by the same genetic defect of keratinization. The lesions are flat or raised keratinized transitional solid papules with a diameter of 1 to a few millimeters, normal skin color or brownish red, similar to flat warts or verrucous epidermal dysplasia, a large number, unfused, and friction can cause blisters. No conscious symptoms. According to the extremity wart flat papules, persistent, with a family history, the diagnosis is not difficult. There is no satisfactory treatment. Can try freezing, laser and other treatments.

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