Organophosphorus pesticide poisoning in children

Acute organophosphorus poisoning in children refers to a series of clinical and pathological processes caused by organophosphorus pesticides entering the human body and mainly inhibiting acetylcholinesterase (AChE). Most of the poisoning comes from eating foods containing organophosphorus pesticides. There are still parts of the country that use organophosphorus pesticides with a long residual time. Children are poisoned by accidentally eating vegetables and fruits that contaminate organophosphorus pesticides with excessive concentrations. Poisoning from water sources and other contaminated food, the latter is occasionally seen in poisoning incidents. Organophosphorus enters the human body to inhibit AChE, on the one hand, it produces a series of clinical pathological processes of vagal hyperstimulation and muscle nicotinic action (N-like action); on the other hand, it is the inhibitory process of central nerve arylesterase. Severe poisoning is caused by life-threatening conditions when circulation, breathing, and central nerve damage occur. The case fatality rate varies due to factors such as the type, dose, and duration of poisoning, and the disability rate is relatively high.

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