Pediatric Eller-Donlow Syndrome

Eller-Danglou syndrome is also called hyperdermatosis, congenital connective tissue dysplasia syndrome, Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, Danlos syndrome, Sack syndrome, Sack-Barabas syndrome, Van Meekevent type Ⅰ syndrome, extension-vascular fragility enhancement syndrome, systemic elastic fiber dysplasia, cutis hyperelastica syndrome, joint relaxation-skin capillary rupture-skin relaxation syndrome, Meekeren-Ehlers- Danlos syndrome, Indian rubber skin, etc. In the genetic background, because of the shortcomings of connective tissue, it is important that the amount of collagen fibers and its morphological abnormalities produce a series of clinical manifestations, showing excessive skin elasticity, slow wound healing, excessive joint expansion, enhanced blood vessel fragility, and emerged after trauma Various systemic abnormal diseases such as pseudotumors.

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