Pediatric cold

Pediatric cold is one of the most common childhood diseases. It is an acute inflammation of the nose, nasopharynx, and pharynx caused by viruses or bacteria. The main clinical characteristics are fever, stuffy nose, sneezing, and cough. It is a common exogenous disease caused by external evils, also known as cold. Generally speaking, 80% to 90% of colds are caused by viruses, and there are more than 200 types of viruses that can cause colds; and 10% to 20% of colds are caused by bacteria. Babies under 1 year old are more likely to catch a cold because their immune system is not yet mature. Children are susceptible to colds, which is related to the immature development of their physiology and immune system. Sometimes pediatric colds can spread throughout the body through the blood circulation, causing serious diseases such as sepsis, empyema, and meningitis, which are life-threatening. Therefore, they must not be considered as a daily minor illness and treated lightly.

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