muscle bruise


Introduction Muscle: mainly composed of muscle tissue. The shape of muscle cells is slender and fibrous, so muscle cells are often called muscle fibers. Muscle bruises are crushed by objects to damage muscles.



The foreign body is crushed to damage the muscles.

The body is damaged by the impact of external objects, resulting in pain, congestion, redness, dysfunction, tendon and other symptoms. It is easy to be confused with muscle strain, muscle contusion, muscle bruise, muscle tear, etc., so it should be identified to prevent misdiagnosis and further diagnose the condition.


an examination

Related inspection

EMG blood pressure

Difficulties in exercise, muscle weakness, muscle pain.

Note the identification of the following symptoms:

1. Muscle strain: The damage caused by muscle contraction or excessive traction during exercise. Muscle strain is a damage caused by a sharp contraction or excessive pulling of muscles during exercise. This is easy to occur during long, pull-ups and sit-up exercises. After the muscle strain, the painful part of the strained area can be touched by the muscles of the muscles, and the pain is obvious. The local swelling or subcutaneous hemorrhage is obviously restricted.

2. Muscle contusion: A non-open injury that occurs when a blunt object acts directly on the soft tissue of the carcass. You can use hot compresses, use appropriate drugs to promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis, and then seek medical treatment in time. To minimize activity, it is recommended to eat a high-protein diet and a high-calorie diet. Usually pay attention to protect yourself and minimize physical damage. Exercise more and strengthen your body, which helps the healing of the damage.


Differential diagnosis

Differential diagnosis of muscle bruises:

1. Muscle strain: The damage caused by muscle contraction or excessive traction during exercise. Muscle strain is a damage caused by a sharp contraction or excessive pulling of muscles during exercise. This is easy to occur during long, pull-ups and sit-up exercises. After the muscle strain, the painful part of the strained area can be touched by the muscles of the muscles, and the pain is obvious. The local swelling or subcutaneous hemorrhage is obviously restricted.

2. Muscle contusion: A non-open injury that occurs when a blunt object acts directly on the soft tissue of the carcass.

3, muscle tear: muscle strain is the damage caused by the muscle contraction or excessive traction during exercise. Pull-ups and sit-ups are easy to practice. After the muscle strain, the painful part of the strained area can be touched by the muscles of the muscles, and the pain is obvious. The local swelling or subcutaneous hemorrhage is obviously restricted.

4, muscle injury: muscle injury: muscles are hit by foreign objects, resulting in pain, congestion, redness, dysfunction, muscle spasm, deformity and other symptoms. You can use hot compresses, use appropriate drugs to promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis, and then seek medical treatment in time. To minimize activity, it is recommended to eat a high protein diet. Diagnosis: difficulty in movement at the injured area, muscle weakness, muscle pain.

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