menstrual headache


Introduction Menstrual headache is one of the common diseases in women, and belongs to the category of "premenstrual tension syndrome" in modern medicine. The clinical manifestation is a headache episode 3 to 7 days before the menstruation, which is relieved or disappeared after passing or passing. Among the headache patients, women are significantly more than men, accounting for about 70% of all headache patients. Clinical studies have shown that this is related to female-specific physiological factors - 63% of women have a close relationship with menstruation. Female menstrual headaches are improperly handled, which can easily cause other complications, leading to endocrine disorders and unnecessary trouble. Frequent headache symptoms, patients should pay enough attention. Need to go to a regular hospital for professional examination and treatment.



The headache is caused by qi and blood deficiency, blood stasis, and liver fire, and qi and blood deficiency is the most important cause. During the menstruation period, a large amount of menstrual blood loss leads to loss of blood and blood. Loss of blood and blood causes blood gas to run poorly, blood stasis is unreasonable, and nowhere is painful. If it is not treated in time, it will be converted into periodic or other types of severe headaches. Modern medical research has found that when the level of estrogen in the blood is reduced to a certain extent, headaches are triggered, and estrogen levels fluctuate with changes in the menstrual cycle.

Irregular menstruation is the main cause of headache in women, and there are many causes of menstrual migraine, mainly food allergies, beverages, mental and psychological factors and other factors.

Allergic food: In daily life, some foods can cause migraine in people with weaker resistance, and even some foods can cause changes in blood vessels or nerves in migraine.

Mental and psychological stress: Women inevitably encounter some unsatisfactory things or some difficult problems in their work. Coupled with the stressful life and work pressure in the modern city, the brain is in a state of tension, sometimes depressed, extremely tired and lack of exercise. , sleep time is too long, life is not regular, sometimes do not eat for a long time, sometimes gorging and so on cause menstrual migraine.


an examination

Related inspection

Cerebrospinal fluid neurohypopeptide gynecological ultrasound examination

Menstrual headache occurs before or after menstrual cramps or menstrual periods. The headache is characterized by the side of the ankle, which quickly spreads to both sides, causing tingling or pain, accompanied by nausea and vomiting. Each headache lasts for 30 minutes to two hours, and the headache is aggravated when the mood is bad. Some patients have headaches, accompanied by poor movement, small amount, dark color, sputum block, lower abdomen and two flank, breast pain, belching and so on. Studies have shown that 63% of women have headaches related to menstruation, and the onset of headaches is most closely related to menstruation. Therefore, menstrual headache should be treated as the focus of women's headaches.


Differential diagnosis

Differential diagnosis

Postpartum headache: A postpartum headache is the main cause of the disease, called "postpartum headache." Chinese medicine believes that it is excessive blood loss after childbirth, Western medicine believes that it is related to changes in hormone secretion.

Nighttime headaches: Headaches that occur at night are mostly caused by cluster headaches.

Cluster headache (CH) used to be called histamine headache, ciliary neuralgia, pterygopalatine, migraine neuralgia, and Horton syndrome. It is a type of headache that is more common in middle-aged men and has a periodic clustering episode that is fixed to one eyelid and its surroundings. Cluster headaches (cluster headaches) are severe, stinging headaches that often occur at night. Cluster headache can cause a strong tingling sensation near one eye of the patient. Each headache can last up to 4 hours with symptoms such as red eyes, tears and runny nose. This type of headache can be described as a splitting headache. "Bundle headaches are said to be the most severe pain that humans can withstand. Sometimes, patients end up with their own intense, uninterrupted pain, and end their lives. Therefore, cluster headaches are also called suicide headaches. '."

Morning or morning headache: Some headaches can occur at specific times. Such as intracranial lesions often worsen in the morning. Headaches of sinusitis often occur in the morning or morning. Sinusitis is the main cause of headaches in the morning or morning.

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