poor urination


Introduction Poor urination is a symptom that people cannot smoothly perform during urination. The main cause of poor urination is due to obstruction on the urinary tract or lack of contraction of the bladder. There are many diseases that cause poor urination. However, only anal papillary hypertrophy is caused by anal diseases, and anal papillary hypertrophy is also called anal papilloma. It means that the anal papilla is hardened by the long-term stimulation of feces and chronic inflammation. It is one of the common benign tumors in the anorectal.



Mainly due to benign prostatic hyperplasia, urethral stricture, urethral calculi, bladder blood clots blocking the "opening" of the bladder and other diseases, the cause of bladder lack of contraction is often due to the control of the urinary nervous system has a lesion, namely the brain or The spinal cord has diseases such as injury, inflammation or tumor.


an examination

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Under normal circumstances, there is urine in the bladder, which will be smoothly discharged through the bladder "opening" and urethra, but some people are very uncomfortable in urinating, not very laborious when urinating, or the flow is very fine when urinating, shot The urinary tract is also very close. Some people can't discharge it for a long time even in the urinal. In severe cases, it can not develop urine. A large amount of urine "hoards" in the bladder and becomes urinary retention. The patient is very painful.


Differential diagnosis

Difficulties in urination and urinary retention: dysuria refers to the need to increase abdominal pressure during urination to discharge. When the condition is severe, there is urine in the bladder and cannot be discharged.

Urinary dysfunction: symptoms of urinary tract dysfunction or urinating due to ureteral obstruction.

Hematuria with poor urination: hematuria with poor urination, laborious and urinary drip, in older men are mostly prostate hypertrophy, in middle-aged men should consider urethral stricture, urethral stones or bladder tumors.

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