Abdominal pain in late pregnancy


Introduction Abdominal pain in the third trimester refers to the third trimester of pregnancy. As the fetus grows up, the mother's abdomen and body burden gradually increase. In addition, the number of abdominal pains increases significantly compared with the second trimester. As the baby grows up, the mother's uterus is gradually increasing. The enlarged uterus constantly stimulates the lower edge of the rib, which can cause dull pain in the ribs of the expectant mother. Generally speaking, this is physiological and does not require special treatment. The left lateral position is conducive to pain relief.




Physiological abdominal pain:

1. As the baby grows up, the mother's uterus is gradually increasing. The enlarged uterus constantly stimulates the lower edge of the rib, which can cause dull pain in the ribs of the expectant mother.

2, in the third trimester, when the expectant mother rests at night, sometimes there will be lower abdominal pain due to false contractions, usually lasting only a few seconds, intermittent time for several hours, without falling feeling, daytime symptoms can be alleviated.

Pathological abdominal pain:

1, placental abruption: more in the third trimester, expectant mothers may have pregnancy-induced hypertension syndrome, chronic hypertension, abdominal trauma. Lower abdominal tear-like pain is a typical symptom, often accompanied by vaginal bleeding. The degree of abdominal pain is affected by the combination of the size of the early stripping area, the amount of blood and the pressure of the internal uterus and the damage of the myometrium. In severe cases, the abdominal pain is unbearable, the abdomen becomes hard, the fetal movement disappears or even shocks.

2. If the expectant mother suddenly feels a severe pain in the lower abdomen, it may be a premature birth or a uterine aura.


an examination

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Fetal movement monitoring:

After entering the third trimester, the fetal movement intensity will gradually weaken, but because many pregnant women lack certain medical knowledge, it is feared that the fetal movement is weakened due to any problems in the child. This kind of thinking causes pregnant women to have an anxiety in the invisible, which is extremely detrimental to the development of the fetus. Experts said: in the third trimester, pregnant women should pay attention to the number of fetal movements, not the strength of fetal movement. Because in the late stage, the child grows up, the limbs can only bend, and the uterus has no extra position for the fetus to move in the mother's stomach. Therefore, the weakening of the fetal movement is normal. Under normal circumstances, the average number of three times of morning, afternoon and evening fetal movement is 5-10 times, and less than 5 times is not normal. Pregnant women should feel the movement of the fetus in a quiet environment. Of course, the third trimester is the time when the fetus is most prone to problems. If conditions permit, fetal heart monitoring can be done regularly once a week after 36 weeks of pregnancy.


Differential diagnosis

Abdominal pain in the first trimester: refers to the symptoms of abdominal pain in early pregnancy. In the first trimester of pregnancy, abdominal pain, especially in the lower abdomen, should first be considered as a pregnancy complication. Common complications include threatened abortion and ectopic pregnancy.

Abdominal pain in the second trimester: refers to the uterus enlargement at about 4 months of pregnancy, while the uterine round ligament is pulled, many expectant mothers will feel some abdominal pain. In the second trimester, the baby gradually grows up, and the intra-abdominal pressure of the expectant mother also increases. If the mother's esophageal hiatus (the esophagus is connected to the stomach through this hole) widens, there may be "esophageal hiatus" and abdominal pain. At this time, abdominal pain is often accompanied by chest tightness, shortness of breath, chest pain, back acid in the stomach, snoring and other symptoms. The esophageal hiatus hernia has an incidence of about 30% to 50% during pregnancy, and sometimes the symptoms are more obvious in the third trimester.

Stomach pain in pregnant women: refers to the symptoms of frequent pain in the stomach of the woman during pregnancy, or a strong burning sensation in the stomach.

Pregnant women with small abdominal pain: during pregnancy, due to venous block or dystrophy, poor blood circulation and abdominal pain, known as "pregnancy abdominal pain." The pathogenesis of this disease is mainly blood deficiency, qi stagnation, deficient cold, etc., resulting in blocked or dystrophic veins, poor blood circulation, and thus abdominal pain. The lesion is only in the venous vein, and has not damaged the fetal element, but in severe cases, it can also affect the fetal element due to venous block, blood circulation, and dystrophic growth.

The material in this site is intended to be of general informational use and is not intended to constitute medical advice, probable diagnosis, or recommended treatments.

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