Exercise- or emotional-induced chest pain


Introduction Induced by strenuous exercise, anger, excitement or nervousness. Angina is paroxysmal and relieves rapidly after taking nitroglycerin. Angina Pectoris often occurs in labor or emotional excitement, each episode 3 to 5 minutes, once every few days, or several times a day, rest or disappear with nitrate preparations. Patients should properly understand the nature of the disease in order to treat it correctly. To eliminate unnecessary anxiety and fear, and cultivate optimism. Work should be properly arranged to prevent excessive mental stress and heavy physical labor. There should be enough sleep time.



More common in angina. The disease is more common in men, most patients are over 40 years old, tired, emotional, full of food, cold, rainy weather, acute circulatory failure (circulatory failure refers to tissue circulation caused by decreased blood volume or acute cardiac dysfunction) A systemic pathological process in which the flow rate is drastically reduced, resulting in a serious disorder of metabolism.) is a common cause.

The main pathological changes in angina are varying degrees of coronary atherosclerosis. The risk factors for coronary atherosclerosis are currently considered to be dyslipidemia, hypertension, diabetes, smoking, obesity, hyperuricemia, hyperfibrinogenemia, genetic factors, and the like. In addition, men, old age, and people who do not love sports often. Among them, the top five in China have high incidence and serious impact, which is the main target of our control.


an examination

Related inspection

Ultrasound diagnosis of chest disease with cardiovascular disease

Chest pain induced by strenuous exercise, anger, excitement or nervousness.

First, stable angina: physical examination often no special findings, the common heart rate increased, blood pressure increased, expression anxiety, skin cold or sweating, sometimes the fourth or third heart sounds gallop.

Second, unstable angina: and non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction signs are often not obvious, lack of specificity. In general, the heart examination can be found that the heart sound is weakened, and sometimes the third or fourth heart sounds and the systolic murmur of the apex can be heard. In severe cases, the accompanying abnormal changes of the whole body can be found.


Differential diagnosis

Differential diagnosis of chest pain caused by exercise or emotion:

1, chest pain after exertion: coronary heart disease, angina pectoris, is the most common cause of chest pain, mostly after exertion, full meal, emotional excitement.

2, chest pain after eating: chest pain after eating is a major manifestation of spontaneous esophageal rupture. Spontaneous Rupture of Esophagus refers to a sudden increase in pressure in the esophageal lumen caused by various reasons, resulting in a longitudinal tear of the entire left side wall of the esophagus on the adjacent diaphragm. Also known as Boerhaave syndrome, spontaneous esophageal tear syndrome, esophageal pressure rupture, esophageal digestive perforation, non-traumatic esophageal perforation. Most occur after drinking and vomiting.

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