Uroporphyrin test

Porphyrin is derived from porphyrin and is an intermediate product in the process of heme synthesis in the human body. Porphyrin is mainly synthesized in the liver and red bone marrow. When certain genetic problems occur, the human body can produce too much porphyrin. , Causing hematoporphyrin disease, urinary porphyrin can be excreted from the urine through the kidney or fecal porphyrin from the feces through the bile. Hepatic porphyria can show a positive reaction, and secondary porphyria caused by poisoning of heavy metals such as lead, arsenic, mercury, zinc, or certain chemicals can also appear positive. When porphyrins appear in the urine, the urine becomes red and may be colorless, but it can appear red when exposed to sunlight or acidified and boiled.

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