Angular scale test

Angular scale test is an auxiliary test method to check whether the urination function is normal. The bladder neck is located at the lower edge of the bladder when the abdominal muscles relax, and it is located at the junction of the middle and lower 1/3 of the pubic symphysis. When the abdominal pressure increases, the bladder neck is not at the lower edge of the bladder and moves relatively upward. In patients with stress urinary incontinence, the bladder neck is lower than the normal position when the abdominal wall is relaxed, and the position of the bladder neck also changes when the abdominal pressure increases. If the downward movement of the bladder neck is obvious, the posterior horn of the urethra disappears. When the abdominal pressure increases, the lower movement of the bladder neck is more obvious, which can be> 1.5cm, resulting in changes in the urethral angle of travel. Therefore, measuring the angle of the urethra can determine whether the anatomical relationship of the bladder is normal. After the urethral bladder angle disappears and the abdominal pressure increases, the urethral sphincter is stretched and opened by the bladder wall, resulting in urinary incontinence.

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