Phacoemulsification cataract aspiration

In general, phacoemulsification can be performed in all cases suitable for extracapsular cataract extraction. However, in case selection, the relative selection criteria should be determined according to their own technical conditions. The following conditions should be used as a reference when choosing: 1. It is safe to dilate the pupils at least 6mm before the pupil is opened. Beginners must not choose small pupil cases. 2. Corneal cornea is completely transparent is the basic condition for phacoemulsification. Corneal local opacity, degeneration, and other lesions affecting its transparency are not suitable for this operation. 3. Anterior chamber depth The anterior chamber must be sufficiently deep during surgery. Therefore, those who are obstinately shallow anterior chamber should be carefully considered when selecting a case. 4. Beginners of lens nuclear hardness should select cases with appropriate nuclear hardness. With the continuous improvement of proficiency, the scope of selection can be continuously expanded.

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