Repair of extrahepatic bile duct injury and stenosis

Absence of bile ducts and stenosis of the bile ducts are congenital malformations, but most are caused by accidental injuries. Bile duct defect reconstruction can be divided into two categories: one is suitable for smaller bile duct defects, such as partial bile duct stenosis repair, bile duct end-to-end anastomosis; the other is suitable for larger bile duct defects, such as bile duct duodenal anastomosis. Surgery, extrahepatic bile duct jejunum end-to-end anastomosis. Biliary duct construction is complicated and difficult, and the indications should be strictly controlled according to the patient's condition. Because bile duct surgery is more difficult to construct, it should be done in one phase, and it should be performed in two phases only when necessary. The first phase drains the bile ducts and the second phase constructs the bile ducts.

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