Brown stool

Healthy stool is brownish yellow, because normal people's stool is mixed with a bilirubin relationship. If the stool is dark yellow, it is more common in hemolytic yellow gall, that is, yellow gall caused by the destruction of red blood cells. Often accompanied by hemolytic anemia, can be caused by congenital defects of red blood cells, hemolytic bacterial infections, malignant dysentery, mismatched blood transfusions, poisoning of certain chemicals or toxins, various immune responses (including autoimmunity), and the like. Black stool: Because it is as black as tar on the road, also known as tar-like stool, it is a common type of digestive tract bleeding stool. It includes duodenal ulcer, gastric ulcer, gastritis, gastric mucosa prolapse, esophageal gastric varices rupture and bleeding, etc. of liver cirrhosis, but too much meat 'animal blood, liver, spinach, oral Iron agent, bismuth agent. Activated carbon, etc., stools can also be black and should be distinguished.

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