Turbid urine

That is, the urine is opaque. Normally freshly excreted urine is mostly transparent, and a small amount of flocculent precipitation can occur after standing, and fresh urine becomes cloudy. It can be seen in: ① Urate precipitation: After cooling concentrated acid urine, light red urate can precipitate. This kind of precipitate can be dissolved when heated or added with alkali. ②Phosphate and carbonate precipitation: Concentrated alkaline or neutral urine is excreted from the body. Phosphate or carbonate can be precipitated. It is white and can be dissolved by adding acid. Carbonate precipitation can also generate bubbles when meeting acid. ③ Pyriasis or bacteriuria: If urine contains a large number of inflammatory exudates such as leukocytes, pus cells, and bacteria, it may become cloudy immediately after discharge. Bacterial urine is cloud-like, and does not sink after standing; white cloud flocculent precipitates can occur after pyuria is placed. This kind of urine does not fade regardless of heating or adding acid. 

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