Varicose veins

Varicose veins are commonly known as "fried leg". It is the most common disease of the venous system. The main reason for the formation of varicose veins is that the congenital blood vessel wall is relatively weak or the same posture is maintained for a long time. The blood is accumulated in the lower limbs, and the veins are destroyed under the condition of accumulation. The venous pressure generated by the valve is a symptom of blood vessels protruding from the skin surface. Varicose veins occur in the lower extremities, and other scrotal spermatic cords, abdominal veins, gastric esophageal veins and other varicose veins. The main feature is that the blood vessels protrude from the surface of the skin, like earthworms, tortuous and crooked. According to statistics, about 25 to 40% of women and 20% of men in Taiwan suffer from varicose veins. Teachers, surgeons, nurses, hair stylists, Miss counters, chefs, restaurant waiters and other occupations that need to stand for a long time are all high-risk groups. Varicose veins are also related to heredity, oral contraceptives, and pregnancy. Because varicose veins have not been valued in the past, there is relatively little research in this area, but in recent years, the phenomenon of varicose veins has been used as a standard for chronic venous insufficiency. But whether in a pharmacy or a hospital, there is no drug that clearly indicates the treatment of "varicose veins." Therefore, it is generally believed that "varicose vein drugs are difficult to play a role, and only rely on surgery in the end." However, we can still prevent the expansion of varicose veins and reduce their symptoms through conservative treatments (such as the use of elastic socks, exercise, diet and changes in daily life). Mild sports such as walking, swimming, and bicycling can not only improve circulation, but also reduce the rate of new varicose veins. In terms of diet, you should eat a high-fiber, low-fat diet and strengthen vitamin C and E supplements. In daily life, you should control your weight, avoid taking contraceptives, avoid wearing tight clothing and high heels, cross your legs, and avoid sitting or standing for long. Raise your legs for a period of time before going to bed, and sleep on your left side to reduce pressure on the pelvic vena cava. Smoking can increase blood pressure and damage to arteries and veins. Patients with varicose veins should quit smoking immediately.

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