Fast and weak pulse

Abnormal pulse: (A) frequency abnormal 1. Sumai pulse rate of adults is more than 100 times per minute, called Sumai. Common in patients with fever, shock, and premature bleeding. 2. Slow pulse in adults has a pulse rate of less than 60 times per minute, which is called slow pulse. Common in patients with increased intracranial pressure, atrioventricular block, digitalis poisoning and other patients. (2) The rate, rhythm and intensity of abnormal pulses have irregular changes. It can be divided into: 1. Intermittent pulse In a series of normal and even pulses, there is an earlier and weaker pulse, and then there is an interval that is longer than normal (compensatory interval), also known as premature pulse or pre-period shrink. Mechanism: It is mainly because the ectopic pacing points outside the sinoatrial node emit impulses before the next sinus beat, making the heart beat appear early. Intermittent pulses are more common in patients with heart disease or digitalis poisoning, but also in a few healthy people without heart disease. 2. The double law and triple law are irregular pulses with certain rules. That is, one premature pulse occurs every other normal pulse, which is called the dual law. Premature pulsation occurs every two normal pulsations, which is called a triple trip. 3. Short pulse: the pulse rate is less than the heart rate in the same unit time. It is characterized by a completely irregular heart rhythm, varying heart rates, and varying heart sounds. The mechanism is due to the difference in the strength of the myocardial contraction. Some pulses with low cardiac output only occur between the hearts, but cannot cause the pulse of the surrounding blood vessels. Therefore, the pulse rate is lower than the heart rate. This phenomenon is called "short pulse". Or "pull pulse". Seen in patients with atrial fibrillation. The more the pulse is short, the more severe the arrhythmia, and when the condition improves, the "pulsing pulse" may disappear. In this case, the heart rate and pulse rate should be measured at the same time. (C) the abnormal pulse strength 1. Hongmai beware of increased output, arterial filling and pulse pressure, the pulse is strong, called Hongmai, seen in patients with high fever. 2. Silk veins beware of decreased output, reduced arterial filling, weak pulse, weak like pulses, called silk veins. Seen in patients with major bleeding and shock. 3. Alternating pulse rhythm with normal and strong-weak pulses. This is due to myocardial damage and alternating ventricular contraction. It is found in patients with hypertension heart disease, coronary atherosclerotic heart disease, myocarditis and other patients. 4. Qimai pulse is significantly weakened or even disappears when it is inhaled, which is called Qimai. Qimai is one of the important signs of pericardial tamponade, mainly due to the decrease in left ventricular stroke volume. During pericardial tamponade, the increased negative chest pressure during inhalation increases pulmonary circulation blood volume, but due to limited diastole, the systemic circulation to the right ventricle cannot increase correspondingly, reducing the amount of pulmonary circulation blood flowing into the left heart and the left ventricular stroke Is reduced. Found in pericardial effusion and constrictive pericarditis. (IV) Abnormal elasticity of the arterial wall When the arteriosclerosis occurs, the wall is stiff, loses its elasticity, and is curled. When it is touched by hand, it feels tense and tight, as it is pressed on the strings. TCM is called the string vein .. Found in patients with arteriosclerosis.

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