Bladder spasm

Patients with acute bacterial cystitis often experience symptoms such as bladder spasm. Alkaline drugs such as sodium bicarbonate or potassium citrate can reduce urine acidity and relieve bladder spasm. Flavonolide salt (Urin) can relieve spasm and reduce urinary tract irritation. Acute bacterial cystitis is a common urinary tract infection, caused by bacterial infections. Most of the pathogenic bacteria are E. coli. It usually occurs in women, because women's urethra is shorter than men's urethra and close to the anus, and E. coli is easy to invade. The most typical symptoms of acute bacterial cystitis are frequent urination, urgency, dysuria, and even urgent urinary incontinence. Hematuria and pyuria can be present. A few patients can have back pain and fever (usually not exceeding 38 ° C). On blood examination, the number of white blood cells usually did not increase significantly. Cystitis easily occurs after sexual intercourse, after menstruation, and after urethral and gynecological examinations. Men rarely develop the disease. But male cystitis cannot be ignored. Men with urinary tract obstruction such as enlarged prostate or bladder stones and foreign bodies are also prone to cystitis.

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