Bladder vaginal fistula

Bladder vaginal fistula is a type of urinary fistula. Urinary fistula refers to the abnormal channel formed between the reproductive organs and the urinary system, which manifests as leakage of urine. Genital fistula is an extremely painful and damaging disease. Because the urine cannot be controlled by itself, the vulva is soaked in urine for a long time, which not only causes physical pain to women, but also because patients are afraid of approaching the masses, they cannot participate in productive labor, and the mental burden is also great. For bladder vaginal fistula, the fistula is located at the inner urethral opening and / or above. If the fistula is large, all the urine leaks out of the vagina, and the patient cannot urinate at all. If the fistula is small and the granulation around the fistula forms a flap, the patient can often control a portion of the urine, and when the bladder is overfilled, urine overflow begins to occur. Bladder vaginal fistula

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