Clearing phlegm

Phlegm fire refers to the pathological evidence that the invisible fire and the tangible sputum are torn and accumulated in the lungs. Usually there are no obvious symptoms, such as seizures caused by external evils or internal injuries such as diet. Its symptoms resemble asthma, irritable chest pain, dry mouth and dry lips, and it is difficult to sputum clumps. Is the head and ears with sputum nuclei, such as beaded, or tuberculosis under the dirty. Its core is tightly pressed, and it is pushed forward. See also red tongue, yellow fur, slippery pulse strings, and so on. Because it is caused by liver fire and phlegm depression, it is called phlegm fire. Phlegm and fire disturbing the heart is the etiology and pathology term. Refers to disturbing mind on phlegm fire. Is a kind of palpitations.

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