Sterile neoplasms

Vegetation refers to the general name of various protrusions formed in the body or organ during and outside the pathological process. According to its nature, it can be divided into non-neoplastic and neoplastic. The former is the neoplasm on the endocardium in bacterial endocarditis, and the latter is mostly formed by tumors. The neoplasm on the heart valve is shed by the impact of blood flow, which can cause embolism of brain, kidney, spleen and other organs. . Sterile neoplasms are most common in turbulent areas, scars (such as after infective endocarditis), and areas of endometrial damage caused by internal and external factors. When the endothelium of the intima is damaged and exposes the collagen fibers of the underlying connective tissue, platelets aggregate there to form platelet microthrombus and fibrin deposits, becoming nodular aseptic neoplasms. Aseptic neoplasms are most common in turbulent areas. , Scar areas (such as after infective endocarditis) and endocardial damage caused by internal and external factors. Bacterial infection of aseptic neoplasms depends on: ① the frequency of bacteremia and the number of bacteria in the circulation, the latter is related to the trauma, the severity of the infection and the number of bacteria living in the mucosa of the skin; On platelet microthrombus and fibrin ability. Streptococcus grass green has frequent opportunities to enter the bloodstream from the mouth, and is highly adherent, so it is the leading cause of subacute infective endocarditis; Escherichia coli has poor adhesion, although it is a common bacteremia, but it is rarely caring Endometritis.

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