Helicobacter pylori infection in children

Since Australian scholars Marshall and Warren successfully isolated and cultured Helicobacter pylori (Hp) from the gastric mucosa of patients with chronic gastritis, a large number of studies from adults have confirmed that Hp is related to many upper gastrointestinal diseases. Hp is the main cause of chronic active gastritis and an important factor in the pathogenesis of peptic ulcer. Long-term Hp infection is also associated with the occurrence of gastric adenocarcinoma and gastric mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) lymphoma. Clinical studies have found that eradication of Hp can significantly reduce the recurrence rate of peptic ulcer disease, can also reverse the course of gastric MALT lymphoma, or even disappear; and can improve the symptoms of refractory indigestion in some patients with chronic gastritis. It can be said that the discovery and research of Hp has pushed the diagnosis and treatment of gastrointestinal diseases to a new level.

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